Kirk Smith:
Hey, it’s Kirk Smith here again with EZ Breezy Home Buyers, standing inside one of our most recent rehabs and just wanted to share with you one of the things that we ran into and how we fixed it. So, this is the kitchen in our [inaudible 00:00:17] street house and they’ve already started, so it’s a little bit hard to see, but if you look, you can see here on the left this ceiling slopes dramatically that direction. So, once you put the door in, you can definitely see that the ceiling was not straight. Now you can see the bottom of this shim joist they put in there, and that is going to be level. So what the guys did was just put that laser right there up, shot a laser all the way around the room to make sure they had a good level line, and then they basically skinned or shimmed or shaved two by fours to the proper height in order to make this ceiling level.
You can see over here it was almost a full of two by four off. And so, this corner back here, which you can’t see now because they got drywall on it, sloped up significantly. So, the problem we had with that was when we put the crown mold on, the crown mold when it was uptight against the ceiling, had a significantly more reveal on the right side than it did on the left. So, the crown mold was obviously crooked, but the cabinets are straight, so a little bit odd and a bit of a problem. So, this is what we did. So, the guys had to come in and do what we’re we’re looking at here. Now, the reason this problem existed, couple of reasons. One, this back part of the house was in addition. A lot of times when we see these additions done, sometimes things aren’t squared to begin with, but the biggest problem was this floor right here because we just did a bunch of crawlspace work in this house. This floor had sunk, gosh good, two, three inches probably.
And so, when they fixed all the floor joists and this part of the house was really bad, like this whole floor was just soft. So, they put all new floor joists under there, jacked everything up level. When they did that, they brought this wall up, which also brought that ceiling up. So, my suspicion is the floor may have been low, maybe when this addition was done, I’m not sure. But when we did that, pushed up the ceiling, we then are leaning, the ceiling then leans to the right because we pushed the left side up, the right side stayed in place. So, in order to fix it, we’re creating basically a bulkhead right here. So, where that two by four is, there’ll be drywall. So, we’ll create a little bulkhead there out of the dining or out of the hallway into this kitchen. So, it’ll look natural and you’ll never really notice that the ceiling above this was unlevel. So, you can kind of see how it’s going so far. They’ve got this first couple sheets of drywall on and then they’ll run it all the way across.
Once they’ve done that, we will then lower those cabinets because they’re already a little high. The people who hung the cabinets for us had to bring those up a little higher in order to match somewhat close the height of the ceiling for the crown mold. Now that we’re fixing this, we’ll go ahead and drop those back down, probably an inch and a half, so that it’s level with this one over here with the same amount of top reveal. And then we’ll put the crown mold back up. And then over here we should be fine. We’ll just be able to add the crown mold back up over here. The only problem we had here, because the ceiling is straight this direction was it was leaning here. So again, the crown mold drifted up and you can see that now, as you can see just from this camera angle, that ceiling is now perfectly level with the cabinet below. So, just kind of want to show this. These are things that we run into once in a while.
Unexpected things that once we started finishing this house up, we’re only a couple of weeks from listing this house. This is what we ran into. You can see we had already painted, textured the original ceiling before we really discovered that this was not going to do. So, we had to make some some fixes. They also lowered the electrical box, cut that out, dropped it down, so that our electrical box will now be in the proper place. And then over here, this spot in the ceiling was the lowest point because there was a belly in this wall. And so, that really we didn’t raise. And so, this light fixture should be fine. I’ll just put a, actually it didn’t have a box there anyway. It just had a wire, had a hole in ceiling. So, we’ll just put an old work box in there and that’ll be our light over the sink. So anyway, just kind of want to take a minute to show you that. It’s always kind of interesting sometimes to see the things that you don’t always see in the finished product.
So, just kind of want to show you how we did that and the guys did a great job of shooting that level around and then measuring and cutting all these two by fours with the proper shim in order to give us what’s going to be a relatively flat ceiling, certainly something you would never notice. If you have a home you’d like to sell, please reach out to us. We do buy homes as is for cash. We re rehab and resell them. Sometimes we’ll hold them for rentals. There’s a lots of things to do with them. But at the end of the day, we do buy homes for cash as is in any condition. We close on your schedule. Whatever you want to close as quickly as seven days or as long as you want us to take, we’ll make you an on the spot fast, fair cash offer and make it very, very easy. So, just go to our website, That will be in the description below. Or call us at 757-720-SELL. That’s 720-S-E-L-L or 7355.